I’ve always been very creative, so pursuing a degree in design seemed natural. I love how design == creative ways to help people navigate the world.
However, as I started out my design career, I didn’t love that I didn’t understand how designs would actually come to life on the web, so I learnt how to code as a side hustle, which has helped me prototype more creatively with personalized data, and in turn learn more about the users more quickly. Going from concepts to prototypes with live data in the space of days is what gives me energy.
The work-life-balance is really great—being able to structure around my very weather-dependent hobbies keeps me inspired to do great work every day, but at the same time keeps me healthy and happy.
Going from concepts to prototypes with live data in the space of days is what gives me energy.
I redesigned Stitch Fix’ onboarding process from a mobile first POV with great results, and then I gave a talk about it at Google.
Also, I made a cool prototype with live data and our team won a company-wide hackathon for our innovation.
Oh, and the IPO day was a day I will never forget.
Laid back ski.
Any ski and board sports activities. This year I’ve gotten really into kitesurfing, which is hugely data driven and very technical. I’m obsessed with looking at wind patterns and tides.